• Empowering women to claim their authority

    Feelings Work • Sexuality • Communication Food Alchemy

    I create doorways and possibilities on your path to living your purpose, pleasure, and creations.

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    I am on a quest of finding out what it means to be a Woman in this lifetime challenging the status quo in my life moment by moment.

    I take a stand for the birthright of Women, mothers and children seeking possibilities to empower their sovereign self.


    Currently, I am being a Women's Center commited to sourcing a new culture (Archiarchy) beyond patriarchy and to create sancturies for Women to unfold their Being and non-material value.

    I have lived in small and bigger communities, and in Bridghouses for the last 7 years creating authentic, vulnerable, and connective relationships. I naturally weave community by regularly starting new projects and events.


    My re-discovery of my anger has changed my life. I know what I want and what I don't want, I say YES to my own pleasure, the sexuality with my partners is now clear, loving, and playful, I coach women to stand in their own authority leading the life they want. I am a Feelings Doula and work as a coach with woman during and post pregancy, and guide women to heal their relationshio with sexuality.

    My life is abundant and full of energy, and yes - it still has challenges! And....now I meet my challenges with clear distinctions, coming from a place of choice and working with my tools and colleagues to find my next gold in my own evolution.


    As a coach and Rage spaceholder in the context of Possibility Management I walk alongside my clients being committed to their commitments whilst being on the path of constant learning and transformation myself.


    Are you ready to do what it takes to live the life you want?

    Transformation • Authenticity • Encouragement • Simplicity

  • Feelings Work

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    There is the possibility to feel energetic, alive, in touch with your purpose, and completely turned on by what you do and are - every day!


    What if I told you that your conscious anger (and your fear, sadness, and joy) is the fuel to shift from surviving to thriving?


    Anger - expressed unconsciously - expresses itself in explosion & implosion, withdrawel, depression, isolation, and illnesses in your body.

    On the contrary - conscious anger is a spaceholder to create clarity, safety, boundaries, projects, change, and intimacy.


    It is the gateway to love.

    Women's Rage Day/Weekend

    Women's Rage Day changes your life - forever!


    You get to experientially be in a circle with women who have decided that a mediocre life 'being nice' and accommodating is not acceptable anymore. This is the place to be authentic and of courageously claiming your life back. For the first time many women feel their anger consciously and express emotions long held under the surface. This safe container - working with the body, movement and communication tools - allows you to transform old patterns that no longer serve you and replace them with love in action.



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    Online Women's Rage

    There is a circle of women saying YES to life all over the world changing the old paradigm one roar at the time. I run online Rage Series as well as 1:1 Rage Coaching sessions. You get to transform in the comfort of your home!







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    Red Tent

    In September 2022 Annika and Hannah Abouzarah created the Red Tent - radically deciding to be in one space for 2 days with both mothers and children and exploring the phrase 'it takes a village to raise a child'. 13 mothers and 13 children experienced how to shift from ordinary relating to radically giving each other feedback and coaching, asking for what everyone needs, receiving support, exploring their anger, being vulnerable, sharing birth stories, welcoming each others beings and impulses in an ever shifting space. The sequel from this wild learning experience is already brewing! We will meet 3-5th February 2023.

    The next space born put of this space is Mother's Rage - a space for mothers to be real, vulnerable, and healing to make space for the mother you want to be.

    Anger and Sexuality

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    Dignity - Women's Bridgehouse

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  • FOOD ALCHEMY- Transforming your relationship with food and your body

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    Bringing back the Trades to Communities

    Annika offers workshops by herself and with locally, skilled trades people that support you to live closer off and with the land. From Natural Cheesemaking, to Butchering, Fermentation, Foraging, Preserving, Sausage Making - Annika brings the Trades back to the communities.

    Enquire via email or phone for upcoming workshops or if you would like to collaborate.

  • Coaching


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    1:1 Coaching

    I am committed to your commitment.


    I walk beside you to create the life you want. I open doorways and possibilities where previously they seemed invisible. We focus on something you want to shift in your life and work with the energy and information of your feelings and emotions.

    I work in person and online.

    I offer 1:1 Rage, Couples Coaching, Courageous Conversations, and Possibility Coaching.


    Book an appointment here!

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    Emotional Healing Processes

    You have feelings and emotions - anger, sadness, fear, and joy. They feel similar, yet feelings are for handling things and last less than 3 minutes. Emotions last longer than 3 minutes, sometimes days, even years. Unexpressed emotions from the past can be healed. In an emotional healing process (20min-2hours) you go back to the place where the emotion first occurred, complete it, and recycle its energy to make new decisions, set boundaries, and find your next step on your path of evolution. I hold space for you to navigate you through the doorways of healing.


    Book an appointment here!

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    Communication - the art of speaking & listening

    Have you ever wondered why your communication is not landing and that some topics keep coming up over and over again?

    Communication persists until it is completed. Communication is also 10% words and 90% energy. You can not change someone else how they speak and receive. Yet you can choose to deliver your communication with clarity, presence and your heart and to create spaciousness in yourself to receive communication.


    In this 2hour training you gain practical tools to learn what is in your way to deliver your communication and how you create a listening space. Enquire now!

    Have you ever wondered why your communication is not landing and that some topics keep coming up over and over again?

    Communication persists until it is completed. Communication is also 10% words and 90% energy. You can not change someone else how they speak and receive. Yet you can choose to deliver your communication with clarity, presence and your heart and to create spaciousness in yourself to receive communication.


    In this 2hour training you gain practical tools to learn what is in your way to deliver your communication and how you create a listening space. Enquire now!




    Coaching with Annika felt very empowering.

    I enjoyed a lot her inner calmness and non-judgmental attitude with an open heart and open ears. It helped me to address and speak about what is happening within me.

    During one of the coaching sessions she guided me slowly, smoothly, step by step through a past situation when I had felt fear as an emotion and had reacted with an automatic freeze response. I experienced transitioning from an automatic freeze response to feeling the fear and receiving the important information of it. While experiencing this I felt very well held by her.

    Annikas calm, clear, centred, friendly and non-judgmental presence was very healing. The communication regarding logistics was transparent, easy and very reliable.

    Zozan, Feb 2023


    I participated in 4 coaching calls with Annika that were centred around conscious anger. The process was hugely transformative for me. I made a lot oI participated in 4 coaching calls with Annika that were centred around conscious anger. The process was hugely transformative for me. I made a lot of inner progress in a short amount of time. Each session was rich with clarity and gold and I was able to discover a broad range of new distinctions. I loved Annika’s spaceholding. The space she created was filled with razor sharp clarity, love, playfulness and transformation. Annika seemed to really care about my processes and evolution. I felt deeply seen, supported and encouraged. I highly recommend Annika as a coach.

    Laura, Nov 2022


    I had no idea just how much my life was going to shift into a new gear from taking part in Annika's Rage Club, and I had an incredible (and totally unexpected) sense of embodied wholeness emerge as a result. That was after just one session! Since then, I have been walking the world feeling at peace with my perceived flaws and the flaws of others; feeling grounded, energized and extremely content with what I have learned about myself.

    Michelle, Aug 2022

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